9:00-12:00 Hearing Screenings with Vincent Onomastico, Beltone Hearing Aid Center
10:00-2:00 Knitting Club
10:00-10:45 Balance & Strength Class with Brian Mechler
11:00 Dealing With the Silver Tsunami, Jeff Lehman (Give-a-way Prizes!)
11:45 Lunch Lotto
12:00 Lunch
2:00-4:00 STARS Program: “Flip Flop Coasters” with Marti Leader at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (Resident $10; Non-Resident $15; Van $4.70 (65+ & 60-64 Disabled/$6.40) See Supply List of what to Bring!
6:30 York Revolution vs. Rockers Baseball Game ($14 Food/Ticket; Van $4.70/12 Minimum for Van)