Jim Adelsperger Retires from The White Rose Senior Center Board


Jim Adelsperger recently retired from the White Rose Senior Center Board. He has been a huge asset to the Board for 20 years! Jim has held the positions on the Board as a Member, the Board Treasurer and the Board President off and on throughout the years. 

Jim has seen White Rose Senior Center grow in membership, activities, and funding over the two decades and he has been a big part of that!

Some of Jim's many accomplishments as a Board Member have been helping to secure funding with J.E. Baker Company in 2005 to bring Michael Schoenrock and Sven Maier to the United States from Germany with the World Horizon Program; working on many hours with the NCOA Accreditation process that White Rose Senior Center accomplished in 2005; giving financial guidance and expertise in managing funds at the Center over the years; and we can't forget his lead role as the Grinch in our version of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"!

It has been a true pleasure to have worked with Jim over the years, to watch his children grow up and to see him and his wife, Barb, enjoy every minute with their grandchildren. You will be missed and we all wish you the very best with the next step in your life!

                                                                                                Your Friends,

The White Rose Senior Center Board of Directors, The White Rose Senior Center Staff and Former Staff, and The White Rose Senior Center Members