What are YOU thankful for? Maybe it is Health, Home, Family, Friends and/or Food but whatever it is, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” - John F. Kennedy.
At White Rose Senior Center we are so very thankful to have you all in our lives. We strive to be the best in what we have to offer to each of you and to be a good listener to your needs!
We have many great programs planned like Outdoor Bingo with Barbara Golf of Homeland at Home beginning at 10:00 on Monday, November 1st. (The rain date will be 11/2 at 10:00.)
Since we enjoyed the Falls Challenge Scavenger Hunt, Jenna came up with a Thanksgiving Virtual Scavenger Hunt which kicks off 11/1 too! There will be 20 Challenges. Each day at 1:00 check us out on our White Rose Senior Center Facebook Page for a prompt telling you what to find and then let Jenna (or other staff) know your answer either through Facebook Messenger, Texted to a Staff Member or emailed to jenna@whiteroseseniorcenter.org. This is going to be FUN Y’all!!!
WRSC Grocery Bingo will be held on Wednesday, 11/3 at 10:00. There is a $3.00 cost PLUS we will have e Breakfast To Go sponsored by Gateway Health. You must sign up for this activity!
Open Systems will be sponsoring our Birthday Celebration on Tuesday, November 9th from 10:30-11:30 during our lunch hour. They will also have e Table Event with Snacks and Information.
Our favorite DJ, Chris Wagman, will join us with music on Friday, 11/12 at 2:00 for our Virtual Dance Party via Zoom. Prizes will be awarded for your dance moves!
On Tuesday, November 16th the Nutrition Group will prepare the Thanksgiving Special Meal. To assure yourself a meal, let the staff know by 8:30 AM, the day before!
We are very thankful for our partnership with Springettsbury Township and our STARS Programs. In November we have 3 programs to may participate in! The first is “The Early Bird Thanksgiving with Deb Bixler” on November 9th from 2:00-4:00 and the second is “Homemade Christmas Cards with Marti and Diane” on November 16th 2:00-4:00 at White Rose Senior Center. The third is at Hoss’s Steak & Seahouse for Lunch and Bingo” on November 30th from 11:00-1:30. There are spaces available! Click HERE for the STARS Fall 2021 Session and Registration Form.
Crafts, games, additional virtual programs and the Commodity Supplemental Food Box area available for your fun and enjoyment throughout November!
Fresh Express will not be held in November due to Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving falling on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays. The next Fresh Express Dates are as follows:
Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 10:00
Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 10:00
Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 10:00
Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 10:00
The Grab & Go Lunches are served Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays (Wednesday you also receive 2 frozen meals for Thursday and Friday).
For a complete November 2021 Calendar, Newsletter, Menu, and York County Senior Center Virtual Program Booklet click below.
November 2021 Calendar (English)
November 2021 Calendar (Spanish)
November 2021 Newsletter (English)
November 2021 Newsletter (Spanish)
November 2021 York County Senior Centers Virtual Programs
We all wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving Season and remember to count your blessings!