November is here and Thanksgiving may look a bit different this year. One thing that will remain the same is that we are one big extended family at White Rose Senior Center who care about each other!
As we are moving into the cooler months, we are still serving lunches outside the door, selling Thanksgiving Raffle Tickets, and planning activities such as crafts and games for you outdoors, weather permitting. We have added a few more virtual activities beginning on November 19th with The First Thanksgiving Virtual Field Trip: Mayflower; 11/20 The Pilgrim Village; 11/23 The Wampanoag Homesite; 11/24 The Plimoth Plantation; and 11/25 The Studio Tour & Behind the Scenes about The History of the Macy’s Day Parade all through Facebook. The links will be provided on the given time and date through our Facebook page (White Rose Senior Center). Why not check these programs out and learn more information?
To honor our members who are Veteran’s, we have asked them all to bring a picture of themselves beginning November 2nd through November 6th. We will honor you on the new Digital Sign out front and on Monday, November 9th, we will prepare an “Appreciation Breakfast” just for them! We are thankful to the men and women who serve and have served in the Armed Forces and we salute you! God bless you all!
We have two “Spirit Days” in November. The first one is on November 18th. Come dressed like Mickey or Minnie and perhaps win a prize! The second is November 30th where you are asked to wear PURPLE for National Alzheimer’s Disease Month. This sadly effects many of our loved ones so we always need to support the efforts to find a cure.
Zumba Gold with Heather will continue on Wednesdays at 1:00. Call or email us for the link.
The two remaining STARS Programs for November are scheduled for November 10th from 2:00-4:00 “English Paper Piercing Candle Mat” and November 17th from 11:00-1:30 “Bingo and Lunch at Hoss’s Steak & Seahouse” in East York. These classes are brought to you by Springettsbury Township and White Rose Senior Center.
We would love for you to join in the fun and become an extended family member at White Rose Senior Center! To receive our newsletter and calendar for November, click the links below.
November 2020 Newsletter (in English)
November 2020 Newsletter (in Spanish)
November 2020 Calendar (in English)
November 2020 Calendar (in Spanish)
The York County Area Agency on Aging is hosting a Zoom Pre-Retirement Seminar Tuesday, November 17, 2020 from 6:00-8:30 PM. This is free! Click HERE for the flier and get the facts and learn how to navigate the Medicare system.
If you are looking for the latest Food Programs and Services during COVID-19, click on the following link. Agencies are here to help you during this pandemic.
Food Assistance Resources Special Edition: COVID-19 Response (Updated 10/12/20) -In English
Food Assistance Resources Special Edition: COVID-19 Response Updated 10/12/20 - In Spanish
All of the staff at White Rose Senior Center wish each of you a Blessed Thanksgiving and please stay safe and healthy!!!