Happy Fall Y’all!!!
Some leaves are falling, colors are changing, and the air is getting a little bit crisp but White Rose Senior Center has many great outside activities planned for October. We are hoping to squeak out at least one more month of Entertainment on the Broad Street Plaza! Bring your lawn, sit 6 feet apart and enjoy the following acts from 10:30-11:30. The dates are as follows:
Tuesday, October 6, 2020: Continue to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with our own Brendaliz Gonzalez and Miguel Viera! DJ Chris Wagman will assist as the “sound guy”!
Wednesday, October 14, 2020: On Common Ground (Drumming) with Tracy Young (Bring Your Own Homemade Instruments!) Check out this site on how to make shakers and drums from things you have at home!!!) Click Here.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020: Dominick Cicco for the White Rose Senior Center Homecoming Farewell to the 2019/2020 WRSC Homecoming King and Queen, Charles and Karen Doweary!
Tuesday, October 27, 2020: DJ Chris Wagman playing “Oldies & Ghoulies”!
Each week, these fabulous entertainers are listed on our NEW Digital Board out in front of the White Rose Senior Center! Stop by and see how awesome this great sign looks! (Thank you to STSG & Associates “Digital Sign Experts”.)
Flu season is fast approaching so we have partnered up with Rite Aid on Wednesday, October 7th from 10:00-12:00 to offer a Flu Shot Clinic in the front of the building. You need to complete the screening questionnaire and bring a photo copy of your insurance card to be attached to the screening questionnaire. Download the Flu Shot Screening Questionnaires below:
Flu Shot Screening Questionnaire in English
Flu Shot Screening Questionnaire in Spanish
Influenza Vaccine: What You Need to Know Flier
We are holding a Sub/Sandwich Sale with R&K Subs on October 20, 2020. Your order and money is due by October 13th. To Download the Sub/Sandwich Order Form click HERE.
Some of the other fundraising activities for the month include the following: Duck Season Duck Race Sale, Walking Tacos, Knitting Bazaar, Hot Dog with Sauerkraut Sale, Bingo Style Mega Lunch Lotto, Bingo Pull Tabs, and a Sidewalk Sale! Come out and help support White Rose Senior Center or donate on our website!
Been Boo’ed is Back as we continue outdoor activities! Our staff will start it off and you are to “Boo” someone by either purchasing a $1.00 gift from us or getting your own $1.00 gift. Bring the gift to the Staff and we will see that the person receives it. We will post pictures of everyone who has Been Boo’ed and post them frequently so you only are “Boo’ed” once!!!
The Annual Halloween Costume Contest will be held on Tuesday, October 27th from 10:30-11:15. Wear your costume and be judged on a variety of categories! We can’t wait to see how creative you all are!
Congregate Lunches are served Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Wednesday, you receive your Wednesday meals plus a frozen for Thursday and another frozen for Friday. Call 717-843-9704 to reserve your lunch two days prior to the meal or Pre-register through Copilot two days ahead. If you need assistance, please ask a staff person!
The Virtual Programs for the month include: several Facebook Live activities like Fairy Friday, Scrabble, Flashback Friday (to 1930!), Know Your Newsletter, Hangman: Halloween Edition and Pet Parade for Best Pet Costume.
Programs through Zoom include: Zumba Gold with Heather on Wednesdays at 1:00 and “Cooking in Quarantine” with Deb Bixler on October 20, 2020 at 1:00. Call or email Lisa Krout to obtain the links for the classes.
We are holding the STARS classes with Springettsbury Township for the Fall. Two classes have been completed and it was so awesome to see many familiar faces! We have found a safe way to return to Springettsbury Township. COVID-19 closed down all of our programs that we have had partnerships with for many years. To Download the Check Out the STARS Classes for the Fall 2020, click HERE.
The Supplemental Food Box Program with the York County Food Bank will be held October 1st and until we have given out all of the boxes to those whom are eligible. Fresh Express with Central PA Food Bank is held the 2nd and 4th Thursday beginning at 10:00 until they are all distributed. If you drive, for either of these food distributions, pull to the side door closest to E. Market St.. If you walk, please come to the front doors with a cart to carry the food home in.
Don’t forget these important dates for Voting! The deadlines for the NOVEMBER 3 General Election are:
October 19: Last day to update your voter registration
October 27: Last day to apply for a mail-in ballot
November 3, 8:00 PM: Vote in-person &/or deadline to return your voted mail-in ballot must be postmarked by the time the polls close on 11/3 & be received by County Election Boards at 5 PM on Nov. 6th (three days after 11/3 election)
If you want to be mailed a paper application or have questions, call 1-877-VOTESPA (1-877-868-3772). Voted mail-in ballots can be returned by mail or dropped off at your county’s election office (York County Administrative Center, 28 East Market Street, York, PA 17401 by 8:00 PM on November 3, 2020).
If you have already applied to be a permanent annual mail-in voter, you do not need to reapply. To check your ballot status, visit VOTESPA.com.
We look forward to seeing you all and stay safe and healthy friends!
Download the October 2020 Calendar (English)
Download the October 2020 Calendar (Spanish)
Download the October Newsletter 2020 English)