Today marks 178th day that White Rose Senior Center doors have been closed to the public coming inside of the building BUT, that doesn’t mean we haven’t been “working our tails off” to put smiles on our members faces! We are hoping to bring each of you a warm Christmas feeling every time you come to our front doors!
We will, and are asking you, the older adults, to dress up like Reindeer, Snowmen, Elves and even Santa and Mrs. Claus each week in December! We have crafts, we have cookie decorating kits, we have Christmas coloring papers, we have a White Elephant Gift Exchange, we have “Stuff the Stocking” (December’s Act of Kindness to cover to help cover the cost for shipping of the Operation Gratitude donations we received for November. These will be shipped then to California before Christmas!) and we have Santa coming to deliver the Christmas Meal on December 15th as well as the Christmas Gift for all of our members who come on that day!
Two December attractions that White Rose Senior Center is known for is the annual Homes for the Holidays Progressive Dinner and the Christmas Box Raffle Fundraiser. “Are they continuing you ask?”. Why YES THEY ARE with some slight modifications COVID-19 Style!
Homes for the Holidays Progressive Diner has been renamed as the “At Home for the Holidays Un-Progressive Lunch”! On December 11, 2020 at 12:00, those who signed up and paid $10, the staff generously will be donating their time and treasurers to provide a meal and goodie bags to those participating!. The people will come to the front door and pick up their lunch. The meal is a 3-Course Meal which consists of Salad from Brendaliz, Lasagna and Bread Sticks prepared by Lisa, and Christmas Cookies made by Nicole. Beginning at 1:00 that afternoon, those who signed up for the Un-Progressive Lunch will participate in the Zoom Activities! You are able to phone in if you don’t want or know how to do Zoom. We will give you the link and number closer to the time. Brendaliz is singing at her very own Christmas Concert; Lisa will be calling Christmas Bingo (the bingo card and markers will be in the Goodie Bag at noon); and Nicole will be playing What’s the Lyric? Christmas Carol. So much fun and cheer will be had! Hurry and sign up so we know how many people to plan for!!!
The Christmas Box Raffle Fundraiser has also been renamed to the 2020 “Mini” Christmas Box Raffle Fundraiser. We will have 7 smaller decorative boxes on display outside the front door when we are serving meals Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 10:30-11:30, HOWEVER, you may come to the front doors anytime beginning Monday, December 7 through Friday, December 18th and purchase Raffle Tickets and peek in the door at the display. The tickets are: 1 for $100, 6 for $5.00 or 17 for $10.00. You will write your name/phone number on the back of each ticket and place it in the smaller box in front of the gift box. We also will show the boxes on Face Book Live on Monday, December 7th and Monday, December 14th at 1:00 pm. We will have Pay Pal and Cash App as additional ways to purchase raffle tickets and let Lisa know which box you want your tickets in. The Christmas Box Raffle will end on 12/18 at 11:45 am. The boxes are valued between $30 and $100…THIS WOULD MAKE FOR AN AWESOME CHRISTMAS GIFT!!!
As much as COVID-19 has changed the World, people have gotten sick and even died; we don’t see our family and friends like we used to; we can’t go to places that we loved for pleasure; we have gained many wonderful treasures and memories. We have had to think “outside the box”! Technology has been huge and challenging even for some tech-savvy people we all know. Internet and devices among our older adult friends are a big issue. That reminds me…with the holiday season upon us, maybe you are thinking, “What can I get for my older adult relative or friend?” . Think about technology, such as tablets and internet, and how you can help them stay connected and not feel so isolated.
At White Rose Senior Center, we are slowly growing our technology programs through Face Book Live and Zoom. With the colder weather approaching, we will be adding additional virtual programming and offering phone tech advice and handouts to help the older adults GET CONNECTED! Click below for the link to the December 2020 Newsletter and Calendar and see what might interest you or your older adult in your life!
December 2020 Newsletter in English
December 2020 Newsletter in Spanish
December 2020 Calendar in English
December 2020 Calendar in Spanish
Check Out the STARS 2021 Activities with Springettsbury Township
We want to wish all of you a blessed holiday season! Stay safe and healthy friends and remember to treasure all of the joys that life brings to you!!!