Month at a Glance - January 2021

A New Year always brings promise for a new beginning, a new resolution, and a new look of life. After the year we have all had with dealing with COVID-19 and politics, we have a new hope of better things to come! A vaccine and new medicines to help battle the pandemic are here and in due time, we pray we will be able to get back to our routines and things we loved doing prior to the pandemic.

We have a few NEW things we will be offering at White Rose Senior Center. One is for our Lunch Pick Up. Lunches will still be handed out from 10:30-11:30 on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (unless there is a holiday or we are closed for inclement weather). The change is that if you drive or somebody will bring you to the Center, you may pick up your lunch at the first side door. If you walk to the Center, please continue to come to the front doors. This change is due to the colder weather and will likely go back to what we have been doing since March 17, 2020 in the springtime when we can do outdoor programming again.

The second NEW change is that some of the York County Senior Centers are offering/sharing our Virtual Programming so more older adults can stay connected. Please contact your local senior center for a list of virtual programs via Zoom and Facebook Live. We plan to run this for a few months to see what the response is before we go and look for additional funding for a Virtual Senior Center idea like what Lancaster County is offering! Your thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated on this new concept!

On Tuesday, January 19th, we are asking all who participated in the Secret Pal Program for 2020 to bring in your $5.00 gift for your Secret Pal for the Reveal during the lunch service. We will distribute it to your Secret Pal on Wednesday, January 20th during the lunch service. If you would like to participate in the NEW Secret Pals for 2021, you will receive a paper to complete and turn into the staff. New Secret Pals for 2021 will be picked on Monday, January 25th during the lunch service!

TAFE (Theatre Arts For Everyone) will add a NEW Program to WRSC. During Fresh Express Food Distribution on Thursday, January 14th and Thursday, January 28thth beginning at 10:00, TAFE will have a Puzzle Packet for you to do! We want to thank them for helping to keep us all sharp!!!

To view our January Calendar, Menu, and Newsletter in English and Spanish, click on the links below. You will notice that we have less activities in January which is due to staff out for vacations and maternity leave. So that leads me to our Best NEW happening is that Jenna and Justin welcomed a New daughter on December 3, 2020. A picture of Joslynn Marie and her big sister, Jaelynn Marie, is in the January 2021 Newsletter for your viewing!

January 2021 Calendar in English

January 2021 Calendar in Spanish

January 2021 Newsletter in English

January 2021 Newsletter in Spanish

January 2021 Menu

Check out the STARS Winter 2021 Session with Springettsbury Township (Call to make sure the programs are still being offered.)

COVID-19 is still very much real and hitting many friends and families that are close to us. The CDC sent out a flier entitled “Personal and Social Activities”. Click HERE to review it. As always please wear your mask when coming to the doors and talking to your friends outside. Stay 6 foot apart from others and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after touching the doors and handouts to stay as safe and healthy as you can! Your safety is our number one concern!

Finally, please let us know if you need additional food. Food insecurity is a huge concern and we do have extra meals available to people 60 or over. You just need to ask the staff…no questions asked. We also have a “Food Assistance Resources” Sheet available with information on Food Pantries, Food Bank Programs and Distribution Sites, the SNAP Program, Programs for Kids and Programs for Seniors. To view the flier in English, click HERE. To view the flier in Spanish, click HERE.

And finally, here is our wish and toast for 2021…”We hope we all have a Happier New Year in 2021 and can return to the Center, a place where fun is always had! Stay safe and healthy friends!”