The summer is flying by and you definitely don’t want to miss all of the fun things going on at White Rose Senior Center! Yes, we are still not open to the public coming inside of our building but we are offering many great activities outside and virtually!
In July we started the Broad Street on the Plaza Entertainment Series where we schedule great entertainment and you bring our lawn chair and sit 6 foot apart from each other under a shady tree! The program is growing and people are enjoying seeing their friends! We had an accordion player, a cello player, Santa, and all sorts of “critters” from “Creatures Great and Small”. On August 4th from 10:30-11:15, Lisa will carve out some fruit for Fruit Decorating and Carving. Fruit kabobs will be distributed to the attendees!
On August 11th, DJ Chris Wagman will entertain with “Oldies But Goodies”. I am sure some dancing might be going on (6 feet apart of course)!
Lori Trimmer from West Manchester Township will bring “Idgie the Trickster” to perform for us. Idgie is so sweet and will melt your heart!
And on August 25th from 10:30-11:30, Wally, the Emotional Support Alligator, and his trainer, Joie Henney, will fascinate you with this world famous alligator!
Besides the Broad Street on the Plaza entertainment schedule, we will have Fruit Week where on Monday, August 3rd, you are to dress in Pink and Green for Watermelon Spirit Day. Other activities that week include Fruit Wine Bottle Painting, Pineapple Thumb Painting, fruits and veggies to purchase from the Mobile Produce Market and the Commodity Supplemental Food Box for August and September will be distributed on August 6th from 9:00-3:00.
TAFE will be here on Tuesday, August 4th and 11th to play Games Galore outside. Please bring your lawn chair to sit outside under the shady tree!
We are having a “Goodies to Go” Raffle Basket as a fundraiser the entire week of August 10th. The drawing will be held on Facebook Live on Friday, August 14th at noon. The tickets are 1 for $1.00 or 6 for $5.00! A special shout out goes to Mike Inners for putting this together!
Fresh Express will occur on the 2nd and 4th Thursday beginning at 10:00. We are receiving about 85-95 boxes so first come, first served. You must be a WRSC Member or a Broad Park Manor Resident. Bring your cart to the front door if you are a walker or drive to the side door if you are a car rider.
The week of August 24th we are doing natural bug spray, DIY Heat Pack, DIY Hand Sanitizer, “Cooking in Quarantine” with Deb Bixler and Tabitha Valenti from Penn State Cooperative Extension will present a program outside and virtually entitled “Staying Healthy During COVID” plus lots more!
To end the month on Monday, August 31st we will hold Carnival Day outside safely and social distancing!
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week we serve the Congregate Lunches out the front doors. On Wednesday, you also receive a frozen meal for Thursday and Friday. Lunch is served from 10:30-11:30 and you need to pre-register 2 days ahead to assure there will be a lunch for you! Just call us at 717-843-9704 and we are more than happy to get you in the system! If you are 60 or older and are looking for something to do, we are it! Stop by and we can sign you up as a member of White Rose Senior Center!
To check out the entire August calendars, newsletters, and menu in English and Spanish, click below.
August 2020 Calendar in English
August 2020 Calendar in Spanish
August 2020 Newsletter in English
August 2020 Newsletter in Spanish
If you need an application for the Farmers Market Nutrition Vouchers click HERE. After completing the application, it is sent to the York County Area Agency on Aging and the vouchers will be mailed to you if you are 60+ and qualify.
Have an awesome summer and stay safe and healthy friends!