Month at a Glance - September 2020

It is hard to believe that it is almost September! Many schools are back in session whether it is in person or virtually in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. White Rose Senior Center remains closed to the public BUT we are offering many super activities, services, and lunches outside. Virtual programs through Face Book Live and Zoom are also occurring. We are all learning together just like our grandchildren are doing in 2020! You are never to old to learn something new!!!

Entertainment on Broad Street features fantastic programs on Tuesdays in September from 10:30-11:30. Bring your lawn chair and sit six foot apart and enjoy all of the happenings! Check them out:

9/1/20 - Gift Card & COVID-19 Survival Bingo with Lisa (Bring a board or magazine to put in your lap)

9/8/20 - DJ Chris Wagman is BACK with Dancin’ Music!

9/15/20 - Celebrate the kick-off of Hispanic Heritage Month with entertainment from Miguel Viera,

Pamela & Dominique, and Alexi Nogues!

9/22/20 - The Clowns are Coming with Balloon Sculpture and Laughs!

9/29/20 - Class Clowns: The Jokesters will be here to make you laugh!

Just a few of the other outdoor activities we will offer are: Hot Dogs for Sale, Lucky Duck Race Duck Sale, Fairy Friday, Fun in the Sun Elimination Drawing, Pay Off Bingo, TAFE & Games Galore, Empanada Sale, Fresh Express, Mobile Produce Market, Paint Away with Janeen Hershey, Grocery Box Bingo, Name That Tune during music class, art class features Bubble Cards, and science class offers Spaced Out Games and Craft Kits! Some of these programs will occur on Thursday and Fridays so check out the September calendar for dates and times!

We will offer Zumba Gold on Wednesday, September 9th with our fabulous instructor , Heather Cintron at 1:00. This will be a virtual class through Zoom. Let Lisa know if you are interested so we can send the invite information to you closer to the time!

Of course we offer lunches on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to persons 60 or over who are York County residents. You need to pre-register 2 days ahead to assure yourself of a meal. On Wednesdays, you will receive 2 frozen meals. These are for Thursday and Friday consumption. Call us at 717-843-9704 to pre-register for the meals or ask us to help you get signed up through copilot so you can do it on your own! (Another new thing to learn!)

September always we reminds us of 911 and what and who we lost as well as how patriotic we felt during that dark day. To honor the Fallen Heroes of 911, White Rose Senior Center will be monetary collecting donations to feed the York City Firefighters as our Act of Kindness for the month. If you would like to participate, cash donations will be accepted September 1st through the 10th. We will drop off their needs on 9/11 at 2:15. We Must Never Forget!

The STARS Classes with Springettsbury Township are scheduled to resume for September, October and November. You may begin to register on Springettsbury Township’s web site Wednesday, September 9th or mail or drop off your registration and money to the Township building on that date or afterwards. The class sizes are limited to 8 people and masks must be worn at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Click Below for the complete STARS Fall 2020 Schedule!

Click Below to Download the Following:

September 2020 Calendar in English

September 2020 Calendar in Spanish

September 2020 Newsletter in English

September 2020 Newsletter in Spanish

September 2020 Menu

Check Out the STARS Fall 2020 Schedule

White Rose Senior Center receives information from a variety of community resources. Call if you are in need of services. We would be glad to point you in the right direction if we are able to help! Two resources that came to us recently are: COVID-19 Back to School Reminder and Addiction Affects Everyone. Click below for their flier and information for help.

COVID-19 Back to School Reminder flier

Addiction Affects Everyone flier

Happy Labor Day, put a smile on someone’s face, and learn something new each day friends!

Stay safe and healthy!